Writing a Compiler Plugin

Craftr does not provide you with “one way to do it”. There are multiple ways you can make Craftr generate the command you need it to. You can hard-code the command by creating a Target from scratch or you can implement a Generator Function. What we do most of the time is to implement a Compiler Class which inherits craftr.ext.compiler._base.BaseCompiler. It allows us to create instances of “compiler interfaces” with different settings, which makes these settings included in all procedures that generate targets.

Manual Targets

First things first though, here’s a small example how you can just manually create a target and have Craftr export that into the Ninja manifest:

from craftr import path, Target

main = Target(
  command = 'gcc $in -Wall -std=c++11 -o $out',
  inputs = path.glob('src/*.c'),
  outputs = ['main'],

Notice how we specify just plain 'main' as the output file: relative filenames will be considered relative to the build directory! Craftr automatically and always changes the working directory to the build directory before executing any code.

Generator Functions

Given the above simple GCC example, we can make things a bit more customizable by implementing a function that generates the command and target for us.

from craftr import path, Target

def compile(sources, output, include=[], defines=[],
            lib=[], libpath=[], warn='1', std='c99'):
  command = ['gcc', '$in', '-W' + warn, '-std=' + std)
  command += ['-I' + x for x in include]
  command += ['-D' + x for x in defines]
  command += ['-L' + x for x in libpath]
  command += ['-l' + x for x in lib]
  return Target(command, sources, [output])

main = compile(
  sources = path.glob('src/*.c'),
  output = 'main',
  warn = 'all',
  std = 'c++11'

Using the TargetBuilder

While the above example already looks nice, it still has problems, or say, complications: What will you do if you make use of some libraries and have a number of additional include directories, defines, libpaths and libs? Just concatenate them by hand?

Craftr’s solution to this problem are Framework s. They represent a collection of settings that can either be merged (e.g. for things like include directories, defines, etc.) or the first available setting can be used (e.g. for some one-off compiler option). In Craftr, everything has frameworks. Just for example, a Target has a list of frameworks that have been used to generate it, thus if other targets are created taking it as an input, they can automatically re-use these frameworks and the user doesn’t have to manually specify the framework yet another time.

from craftr.ext.platform import cc, ld
from craftr.ext.some_library import some_library_framework

obj = cc.compile(
  sources = path.glob('src/*.c'),
  frameworks = [some_library_framework]

bin = ld.link(
  inputs = obj,
  output = 'main'
  # <: Note how we do not add "some_library_framework" in this call

Moving on to creating Target generator functions with the TargetBuilder! This class handles a bunch of things, but don’t let yourself be confused about all these internals yet. They are here for reference:

  1. Evaluate a list of inputs that can consist of filenames or targets. Filenames are automatically normalized and for targets, the output files will be added to the input files and the frameworks will be included into the frameworks list.
  2. Include a list of frameworks passed directly to the generator function.
  3. Create a new Framework from the additional keyword arguments passed to the generator function, but this framework will not be included in the generated targets framework list! You don’t want your additional_flags passed to cc.compile() also being passed to ar.staticlib() automatically :)
  4. All frameworks will then be expanded into a single list using expand_frameworks() (to flatten out framework dependencies).
  5. A FrameworkJoin will be created from all frameworks (including the special **kwargs framework) to enable the generator function to read the settings.

Now, how Tracer would say it, “let’s get to it already!”. Note that I’ve also added a language parameter which I did not in the previous examples.

from craftr import path, Target, TargetBuilder

def compile(sources, output, frameworks=(), target_name=None, language='c', **kwargs):
  builder = TargetBuilder(sources, frameworks, kwargs, name=target_name)
  include = builder.merge('include')
  defines = builder.merge('defines')
  libpath = builder.merge('libpath')
  lib = builder.merge('lib')
  std = builder.get('std', 'c99')
  warn = builder.get('warn', '1')

  # Same code as above
  command = ['gcc', '-x', language, '$in', '-W' + warn, '-std=' + std)
  command += ['-I' + x for x in include]
  command += ['-D' + x for x in defines]
  command += ['-L' + x for x in libpath]
  command += ['-l' + x for x in lib]

  return builder.create_target(command, output)

# Now we can use some other Craftfiles that expose Frameworks.
# (You know, Craftr's not really popular yet so there's literally
# only my own stuff right now :P)
from craftr.ext.libs.nr_iterator import nr_iterator
from craftr.ext.libs.nr_math3d import nr_math3d

main = compile(
  language = 'c++',
  sources = path.glob('src/*.cpp'),
  output = 'main',
  frameworks = [nr_iterator, nr_math3d]

Using the BaseCompiler

It has a number of advantages, but you’re free to use a plain generator function as shown in the previous example! There’s really not much to be changed for using a BaseCompiler instead:

from craftr import path, Target
from craftr.ext.compiler._base import BaseCompiler

class SimpleGCC(BaseCompiler):

  def compile(self, sources, output, frameworks=(), target_name=None, language='c', **kwargs):
    builder = self.builder(sources, frameworks, kwargs, name=target_name)
    # ... exactly the same code as in the previous example

gcc = SimpleGCC()
main = gcc.compile(
  # ...

However! you can now pass additional settings to the SimpleGCC() constructor that will be taken into account as well. Note that these are considered last after everything else (**kwargs, frameworks list, input target frameworks and only then the settings passed to the constructor).

Monkeypatching existing compilers

This is a technique that is used for instance by the maxon.c4d extension modules which requires additional preprocessing of the parameters passed to cxx.compile() and ld.link(). Since v1.1.1, the BaseCompiler supports hooking in after a TargetBuilder was created for a specific method call.

def _my_link_hook(builder):
  debug = builder.get('debug', options.get_bool('debug', False))
  builder.setdefault('output_type', 'dll')
    defines = ['_DEBUG'] if debug else ['NDEBUG'],
  ), local=True)

ld = platform.ld.fork()
ld.register_hook('link', _my_link_hook)