

Calls pkg-config with the specified flags and returns a list of the returned flags.

class craftr.ext.unix.Ar(program='ar', **kwargs)[source]

Interface for the Unix ar archiver.

name = 'Unix AR'
staticlib(output, inputs, target_name=None, meta=None, **kwargs)[source]

Supported options:

  • program
  • ar_additional_flags – A string of additional flags (not a list!)

Target meta variables:

  • staticlib_output – The output filename of the library operation.
class craftr.ext.unix.Ld(program='ld', **kwargs)[source]

Interface for the Unix ld command.

Supported options:

  • program
  • linker_script

Target meta variables:

  • link_output – The output filename of the link operation.
name = 'Unix LD'
class craftr.ext.unix.Objcopy(program='objcopy', detect=True, **kwargs)[source]

Interface for the objcopy tool.

name = 'Unix Objcopy'
objcopy(output_format, inputs, outputs=None, target_name=None, output_dir='', meta=None, **kwargs)[source]

Performs an objcopy task with an output file (no append!) given the specified inputs generating outputs with the specified output_format. If outputs is omitted, it will be automatically generated from inputs.

Supported options:

  • program
  • output_suffix
  • input_format
  • binary_architecture
  • description

Target meta variables: none